Delivery Fee

Delivery fee is $25. NOTE: Additional fees may be added based on mileage and/or extra labor costs for setup.

Payment Policy

50% deposit is due at the time of order with the remaining due no less than 7 days prior to delivery or pickup. NOTE: 25% of the the initial deposit is non-refundable.

Balances not paid in full 7 days prior to the scheduled pick up or delivery date will result in the cancellation of this contract. Best Friends Bakery will no longer assume and further responsibility.

It is entirely at the discretion of Best Friends Bakery to change or otherwise offer any other options to the customer at that point.

Preferred methods of payment are: Cash, Check, Venmo and PayPal. Debit and Credit cards will also be accepted with an additional 2% to be added for all card transactions.

Cancellation Policy

For all orders we accept cancellation up to 14 days before your pick date or delivery. A full refund minus and non-refundable deposits will be issued within 14 days of cancellation.

Cancellations requested 8-13 days prior to the scheduled pick up or delivery we will retain the 75% of your deposit.

No refunds will be given for any cancellations within 7 days of pick up or delivery date.